Proposed changes to the By-Laws of the Desert RATS club.

Proposed changes to the By-Laws of the Desert RATS club.
February 5, 2015 Ralph Borcherds

We are in the need to update the By-Laws of the club. There are three things that are in need of updating due to decisions on how we are going to do things within the club. Please take a look at these three items that need to be updated. If you wish to see them in context then please take a look at the following URL: This URL has links to both the original scanned text with a copy of the proposed changes. All current paid in full members will be allowed to vote on these changes at the February club meeting. If sustained then the new rules will go into effect March 1, 2015.

The original items are in RED and the proposed changes are in BLUE.

This is found in Article II Membership, Section 2 where it talks about the types of memberships we have.

Lifetime Membership – Any member deemed by the Governing Board. No dues are attached to this class of membership.

Lifetime Membership – Life Member is any licensed radio amateur who has maintained at least one year of active membership in the Club. The dues for this membership will be at least 10 times greater than the year membership cost for a regular member. Honorary Life Member shall be reserved for those whose service to the D-RATS is exemplary and deserves the gratitude and recognition of the Club. An Honorary Life Member shall receive for his or her lifetime, all the rights and privileges of Club membership. Any Member of the Club may submit a recommendation to the Officers for Honorary Life Member. The Officers shall review the recommendation and submit same to the Club at its next regular meeting. A two-thirds majority shall be required of all voting Members present to award an Honorary Life Membership.

This is found in Article III Meetings

Section 4: Voting Procedure. Voting shall be by printed ballot unless otherwise determined by the President or presiding officer at the meeting. Printed ballots shall be distributed to voting members after validation of their membership by the membership chairperson. Ballots may be sent electronically or by other means.

Section 4: Voting Procedure. Voting shall be by any means determined by the President or presiding officer at the meeting where voting will take place. Ballots may be sent by any means necessary to get them to all members in good standing. Voting will be by whatever means is deemed appropriate for the type of voting taking place by the presiding officer of the meeting.  
This is found in Article 4 Board of Directors

Section 3: The Board shall consist of six (6) members, of who four (4) shall be the Officers specified in Article V and two (2) Directors-at-large. One of the Directors-at-large shall be, with his concurrence, the immediate past president of the D-RATS, unless he shall be a current Officer.

Section 3: The Board shall consist of six (6) members, of who four (4) shall be the Officers specified in Article V and two (2) Directors-at-large. One of the Directors-at-large shall be the immediate past President of the D-RATS, unless he or she shall be a current Officer. The past president shall serve for a period of no less than one year, unless the past president is physically unable or unwilling to server, then the new President can appoint a replacement Director-at-large with the boards approval.
