President’s Message – Feb 2017

President’s Message – Feb 2017
February 18, 2017 Cameron Robbins

I guess unless you were under a rock somewhere, Hamfest 2017 was a huge success. Big tip of the RATS Hat goes to Rick K6VE for pulling the whole thing off. Thanks Rick. Then all of the committee chairs and all of the hard workers throughout the day. Many put in a full 8 hours on the job that day. What was wonderful was to see that there were more than 90 volunteers ! That’s just amazing from a club with just more than 100 members. Rick will give more details, but thanks, thanks to everyone that participated to make this the best hamfest ever.

I have been in contact with JPL about tours. The antenna tour near Barstow is Monday through Thursday. You get a tour of the visitors center and a guided driving tour of the antennas. However, you do not get a tour of the insides and any of the control centers like I had years ago. Tours in Pasadena are about the same, weekdays. There is an open house in May, one weekend. So we will have to discuss this at a meeting.

Some things coming up;

Yuma Hamfest is February 17th and 18th.

Car pool with some friends. It’s a good show, lots to do and buy.

International DX Convention. This is a 3 day event, April 21-23, in Visalia, California. More to do than you’ll know what to do with.

Some club business;

We are now in need of a club secretary. Some things have come up and Barbara will be unable to continue in position as club secretary. It pretty much just requires taking minutes at the board meeting and any business at the monthly club meeting.

We also need a training/education chairperson. This is not a board position. We just need someone to coordinate putting the licensing classes together. We have all of the teachers and the VEs, we just need someone to bring it all together. If not, we will not have Tech classes.

NOC, Net Control Operator. We need one more Net Control operator for the Monday night net. You will only need to act as NCO about every 8 weeks. Contact Mark KD6SEC.

See you on the bands

Glenn WB6RLC
