January Meeting Topic

January Meeting Topic
December 12, 2018 Gavin Schutz

January Meeting Topic


David Hull KC6N will be giving an introduction to Digital Voice modes for Amateur Radio. He will cover Digital Voice Radio implementation, characteristics of DV systems, wide area networking methodologies, and available equipment.

Dave Hull, KC6N

David Hull has been a radio amateur for over 50 years, having first been licensed in 1966 as WN6SHG. He has been active in the San Diego FM repeater scene since 1970. Dave has bachelors and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from San Diego State University and taught communications systems classes in the UCSD extension program. Dave has extensive experience in the design; validation and testing of a wide variety of telecommunications equipment including the C4FM and GMSK systems such as are currently being implemented in amateur radio. Most recently Dave was involved in the development of standards for digital satellite television, cable TV and cable modems, and was involved in the development of the systems currently deployed by DirecTV, Echostar, and DOCSIS. Dave was a member of the DOCSIS PHY layer standards working group for 19 years prior to retirement in 2015.

February Meeting Topic

Big Horn Sheep Institute:
