ARES Preamble

Coachella Valley ARES NET Preamble


The NET meets the 1st and 3rd Monday Nights of each month on 146.760 (-) PL 107.2 at 7:30 PM. The NET is run run by a different ARES members. Visitors will always be welcome.

Here is the preamble for our ARES NET:


“QST, QST, QST,” “This is the Coachella Valley ARES Net” “Today is Monday, <Date>; Net Control Station today is <Call Sign> and my name is ______.”

“The purpose of this net is to establish and exercise area communications capabilities for emergency response in the event of any disaster that may occur. During a real emergency or incident, a roll-call, just like this one will be conducted to see who is available to help, who among us might need some assistance, and what the conditions are in each of our neighborhoods. We would report our cell, power, and damage status, and what equipment types and modes each operator has available to them. The Incident Command System would be activated.”

“This net meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7:30 PM on 146.760, with a negative offset and PL of


“This is a directed net; please transmit only as directed by Net Control.”

“Before we begin roll call, is there any emergency traffic?” (Pause for response).

“Are there any messages for the net?” (Pause for response).

“Roll Call is as follows:” (Call each station listed on the Log by call sign and name.)

At the END of the INITIAL roll- call, request the following: “Are there any late or missed check-ins, please come now!” (Pause for responses)

“Are there any visitors who would like to check in? “(Pause for responses)

At the end of the net, ask:

“Is there any further business for the Net?” (Wait for responses, if any)

“Hearing none, I would like to thank all those that participated in the Net and for keeping a clear frequency.”

“This concludes the Coachella Valley ARES Net. Remember, KEEP YOUR BATTERIES CHARGED FOR REDINESS AT ALL TIMES and 73’s to all.”

This Net is closed at <Give time> and Im returning the
frequency back to normal traffic . This is <Call sign> .

Clear and QRT
