Riverside County Supervisor John Benoit Will Deliver Keynote Address at Annual Palm Springs Hamfest
Riverside County Supervisor John Benoit will give the keynote address at the Palm Springs Hamfest, Saturday, March 12 at 10 a.m., at the Palm Springs Pavilion, 401 S. Pavilion Way, next to the Palm Springs Baseball Stadium.
Supervisor Benoit’s presentation “County of Riverside Disaster Preparedness” will kick off a full day of speaking events and an exposition of all things of interest to amateur radio hobbyists and other “high-tech” enthusiasts.
Additional speakers include Kristen McIntyre, a software engineer at Apple working on OS X for Macintosh computers and iOS for iPhones and iPads.
“The main hall will have 10 Ham Radio-related commercial vendors,” said Glenn Morrison, president of the Desert Radio Amateur Transmitting Society that organizes the annual event. “There will be several Ham emergency organizations represented as well as The American Legion and the Civil Air Patrol. The adjoining ball field will host a Ham Radio swap meet area. So it will be a full day of Ham Radio and the general public is invited.”
The Palm Springs Hamfest opens at 9:30 a.m. and continues to 4:30 p.m. Admission is $5. Visit www.palmspringshamfest.com for more information.