President’s Message April 2020

President’s Message April 2020
April 10, 2020 Gavin Schutz

The Prez Sez

I guess there is not a whole lot to report this month. As you may have heard, the April RATS meeting has been canceled. Well, also the Elks Lodge is closed, so we’d have nowhere to meet anyway.

However, on the third Tuesday of this month, we will have a special net. It will be a roundtable type discussion. There will be a topic of the evening. Each check-in will give their name, call, location and give a response to the question. Then pass it on to the next person on the list. You are responsible for remembering (or writing it down) who is next in line. It is also a participation net. No check in and run. Besides, you might hear something of interest to you. Early check ins will start about 6:45 PM. The net will start at 7 PM. If you miss the start, there will be plenty of opportunities to check in as the net moves along. Please wait for a call for check ins and don’t break the net.

All is not lost. We are still planning on holding Field Day, the last full weekend in June. We will again be hosted by Hot Purple Energy.  If things change, we’ll let you know.

Stay safe my friends. I want to see you all back at the next meeting. Whenever that might be. HI  HI.

Until that time, see you on the bands.


Glenn WB6RLC

President Desert RATS ARC
