Desert RATS Annual Field Day

Desert RATS Annual Field Day
June 10, 2020 Gavin Schutz

ARRL Field Day

ARRL Field Day will be held over the weekend of June 27th and 28th. Because of the Covid-19 situation and various social distancing rules, field day this year will be held differently from the past.

The ARRL has implemented two temporary rule waivers that will accommodate amateur radio operators working from their homes to submit on behalf of their club. Ordinarily, club names are only published in the results for Class A and Class F entries, but the temporary rule waiver for 2020 allows participants from any Class to optionally include a single club name with their submitted results following Field Day. The temporary rule waivers allow greater flexibility in recognizing the value of individual and club participation regardless of entry class.

You can make your own contacts using your call and submit your logs to the club to add to the club total point score.

Here are some additional resources:

Note that Mark, KD6SEC has also developed a log sheet template that has larger spaces for filling out the contacts. If you would like a copy, please email Mark.
