Desert RATS June Speaker

Desert RATS June Speaker
June 9, 2021 Gavin Schutz

Desert RATS June Speaker

Our June meeting will be on Tuesday, June 15th at 7:00 P.M. It will be a Zoom meeting and we will circulate the Zoom details on Monday before the meeting.


Our June 15th meeting will feature Chuck Abramson K9CFA with ABR Industries, who will present a lively discussion on the background and make up of coax, focusing the conversation on which cable and connectors are most relevant to hams, and methods for terminating.  He will also go through a good, better, best conversation based on frequency and application.



Chuck Abramson is the technical partner with ABR Industries, based in Houston TX where their cable facility is also located.  Chuck has been in the wire and cable business since 1991. ABR Industries is a full-service cable assembly and bulk cable facility. ABR products are made to detailed specifications that ensure tight tolerances and the highest quality. They service a variety of RF, Microwave, Government, Military, Municipal, and Consumer markets.

