Desert RATS Monday Night NET

Desert RATS Monday Night NET
November 12, 2020 Gavin Schutz

RATS Monday Night Net


Our Monday Night NET is held every Monday night at 7:00 p.m. on the Club repeater (146.94MHz PL 107.2) and is preceded by Amateur Radio Newsline which starts at 6:30p.m.


The net is usually very well attended – sometimes more than 50 participants, and is a great way to keep current with Club announcements, ARES updates, upcoming events etc.


To streamline the roll call, we recently made some changes the operating procedures:


Monday Night NetBoss Mark KD6SEC comments:


“As you know, one of the main reasons for our weekly net is to confirm our stations are operational, and we are ready in the event of an emergency.


While we have allowed checking in on behalf of others in the past, it does not really support that goal.  So, we have decided to discontinue the practice, and going forward we would like each member to check only themselves in when called.


Family members operating out of the same household and using the same equipment will still be allowed to check each other in.  This is because whether they check in individually or on behalf of each other, they are using the same station equipment, confirming its readiness.

To accommodate these family members, I have to the best of my knowledge combined those operating out of the same household, however if I’ve missed anyone, please let me know when you check in.


By the way, any comments, questions or suggestions can always be made via the CONTACT US tab on the website, and we encourage all of you to get back to us with any ideas you may have. This is our club and it’s up to us to make it great!”


We look forward to catching up with all Coachella Valley amateur radio operators every Monday night – you don’t need to be a club member to attend – seasonal residents and even those just passing through are welcome.
