President’s Message

President’s Message
June 1, 2015 Cameron Robbins

Last months meeting was a good one. Aren’t they all? Our fellow RATS member John, K6SJH, gave a wonderful talk about safety. Not only in the shack and around RF, but also household wiring 120/240 VAC stuff. The stuff that can reach out and touch you and not let go. Some of his examples most certainly got our attention to be careful around AC.

This month will wrap things up for a few months until September. The American Red Cross will be attending the meeting and we will be making our final plans for Field Day.

During the summer break, we will still try to keep you informed on events that are happening. One thing is that some of us plan to meet for dinner at Manhattan In The Desert on the third Tuesday of July and August. Just an informal get together, to have dinner and chat.

During the summer there are 2 road rallies that are looking looking for hams to do communications. This will give you a chance to get out in the open and out of the heat. They are one day events, but one will take a day of travel, there and back. Bill KK6HRW and I did one a few months ago and it was a lot of fun. Plus you got to practice your traffic skills. The first one is August 22 in Gorman, at the top of the Grapevine off of Interstate 5. The other is Sept 12 in Kingman AZ. Both events have good room rates and you usually get fed as well. Call or email me if you are interested. The club that has the most participants wins $250.

Rally car

Today I had a great time and checked into an IRLP net out of Alaska using our 220 machine. Hams from the desert to New York to Anchorage all checked in and got a chance to chat a bit.

ham Field day logo

Speaking of our 220 machine. Remember that we should be pulling the winning ticket for the Yeasu VX6R tri-band HT at the June meeting.

Yaesu VX 6R HT

Lastly, when we start up again we will be repeating the popular BBQ that we did last year.

hot dog copy



See ya on the bands.


