Presidents Message January 2020

Presidents Message January 2020
January 14, 2020 Gavin Schutz

Presidents Message January 2020


Here we go again with another year with the Desert RATS. I hope everyone had a good Holiday Season. I did a good mix of friends and family.

We have quite a few things planned for our members for the upcoming year. First off is Winter Field Day. It’s going to be held at Lake Cahuilla, where we had the BBQ last year. Several of us are bringing RVs and will be set up over the weekend to operate. This will be a very informal affair, so just drop by if you can. We’ll be operating SSB and digital modes.

Our January speaker will be a new RATS member, Joe Miller. He will be talking about collecting and restoring vintage Ham Radio gear. As I have quite a collection of Swan radios from the late 60s, I’ll be interested in hearing what Joe has to say.

Speaking of BBQ and Lake Cahuilla, we are looking at doing another event there. How about a BBQ / potluck? The club will provide the meat, you bring all the rest. We’ll talk about it further at the club meeting. The tentative date is March 28, 2020

Would anyone be willing to take over bringing the coffee pots to the club meetings? See our new VP Randy at the meeting.

See you on the bands

Glenn WB6RLC
