Presidents Message March 2021

Presidents Message March 2021
March 12, 2021 Gavin Schutz

Presidents Message March 2021

Well happy Spring everyone. Remember to Spring your clocks ahead this weekend.

Our last month’s Zoom meeting with Yaesu was a big hit. There were over 50 participants listening/seeing the presentation about all the latest offering from Yaesu. Everything was covered from their System Fusion digital mode to the latest FTdx-101MP software defined radio.

We had about 20 people show up for the estate sale down at the Salton Sea. It was nice to see a few of you face to face, as it were. Boy it’s been a while. A lot of good deals were had.

Speaking of used equipment for sale. Check out the article below for some updates to the website. The club will be offering an equipment for sale page. You can list gear you want to sell for free. All of the small details are yet to be worked out, but it should be showing up soon.

This month’s Zoom meeting will be about Amateur satellites. More on that below. Upcoming talks will be on Amateur TV and one on stealth antennas. If you have any suggestions for future meeting topics, please contact Club Vice President Randy N6RLV.

A special thanks to Joe KJ8O for stepping up and taking on the contest corner for the RATS. There are many contests and Field Days that we can operate as a club and Joe will be coordinating all of that.

I think that about covers it. Stay well my friends. Catch you on the bands.

Glenn WB6RLC


