Presidents Message October 2015

Presidents Message October 2015
October 1, 2015 Ralph Borcherds

Our opening meeting for the year was a big hit. We served hot dogs to about 30 club member. Hot off of the grill with all of the fixings. It was a great chance to sit around and socialize before the meeting and catch up on what everyone did during the summer.

Our guest speaker wound up with some serious health issues, so Carl Gardenias, our ARRL Section Representative, stepped into the breach. Carl talked about a variety of topics related to ham radio. Some about our history and some about where we could be headed. And of course, his stories. He always has stories and we love them. Thanks Carl for pulling it out of the fire for us. Oh, and thanks his lovely wife Kathy who was there as well. Always great to see her.

After Hamfest, about April we will be offering Extra Class classes. Keep an eye on the web site for the latest. Our expert instructors will be there to help you through the rough spots, like Smith Charts. Yuk !

Some up coming things to watch for: California Shake Out is here, ARES training and a drill at Eisenhower Medical Center are all happening soon. See Ralphs articles further down.

Hamfest is starting off. We will be hitting everyone up for help on that. We already have our first vendors signed up. They must like us ! If you have any suggestions for vendors, speakers or activities, drop me a line. My email in on the web site.

7900lrgI stopped by HRO a few weeks ago and picked up a truck load of goodies to raffle off. The main big $5 ticket prize is a Yaesu FT-7900 2M/432 mobile radio. I tried to find a 3 band radio that will cover 220MHz, but no one seems to make one. We’ll have to do a HT next time with 220 on it.

Elections are not too far off either. Would you like to be on the board? Help with the direction of the club? Hey, you could be president. Don’t you want to be Head RAT?

Catch you on the bands.


Glenn WB6RLC
