Presidents Message September 2021

Presidents Message September 2021
September 8, 2021 Gavin Schutz

Presidents Message

September. How’d we get here? And none too soon.

By the time you read this we will be a few weeks away from the Fall Equinox. We will have just about equal 12 hours of daylight and night. And according to reports, solar cycle 25 is starting to pick up with more sunspot activity. So cooler weather and better DX is on the way. How good is that?

If you have not heard, the RATS fall picnic has been postponed until March 26th, we’ll let you know more details as the date gets closer.

What we do have coming up is going to be a RATS swap. Junk in the trunk. You will be asked to answer an email questionnaire if you would be interested in attending or not. We are aiming for November. Scroll down for more details

This weekend is the ARRL Fall VHF contest. It runs from Saturday 11AM to Sunday 7 PM. To participate, you don’t really have to “contest’ or even submit a log. Just go out and have some fun on 6 meters and up. You can operate FM or SSB or any other mode you wish. You just must operate simplex. On 2 meters FM that is 146.520 MHz. On 70cm the simplex frequency is 446.00 FM. Give a listen if you are at the home QTH or if you happen to be on the road, give a shout. Oh, it helps if you know your 4 digit grid square. Here in the valley, most of us are DM13. If you are not sure, go to, put it your call, then go to Details. It’s there. Anyway, it’s a lot of fun to find a hill top and make a bunch of contacts on 2M.

See you on the bands.


Glenn WB6RLC

President Desert RATS ARC
