Presidents Message September 2020

Presidents Message September 2020
September 8, 2020 Gavin Schutz

Presidents Message

It’s Labor Day Weekend with record breaking heat, the bands still have not come to life yet and we are still confined to the barracks. Sheesh. Enough to drive a Ham around the bend. Cheer up, there’s an asteroid heading our way. No, really. They say it’s only the size of a truck. I am hoping a Toyota and not a Kenworth. Another few weeks and it will start to cool off and the bands will improve, and life will be great. And maybe in a few more months, we can start having club meetings again. I sure miss you lot.


Speaking of club meetings – this month our meeting will be on September 15th at the usual 7 PM, and it will be a Zoom meeting (see more below). You do not need a camera or microphone to watch the presentation, though if you want to ask a question, it will help. Gavin K6GAV, the club Secretary, will send out a notice with the meeting name and the password. All that you need to do is to go to the Zoom web site and download the program, then at the meeting time just open it up, put in the password etc. and you are in. At the end of the meeting we will be handing out a few door prizes that will be mailed out to the lucky winners. The only catch is that you must be present to win, virtually speaking.


Along the lines of computers and things to do while the bands are dead and we are locked down, watch the club newsletter and web site. RATS board member Guy KS6F has started posting information on Webinars and other Zoom meetings. Some are on the ARRL web site and others are groups like the PAPA System. Most you can watch live and many are recorded, and you can watch them at your leisure.


Stay safe. See you on the bands.


Glenn WB6RLC


