RATS Embrace ARRL VHR Contest

RATS Embrace ARRL VHR Contest
July 10, 2020 Gavin Schutz

RATS Members Participate in ARRL VHF Contest

June 13-14 was the ARRL VHF contest. Mark KD6SEC, Glenn WB6RLC and Monty KN6IGU took off up to Running Springs in the San Bernardino Mountains to set up and operate for the day. Monty is a new ham that came along for the ride and helped with set up and tear down.

We had previously scouted a nice big turn out on Highway 18 and set up shop. The team had 5 antennas up for 4 bands, using 3 radios by 2 operators. Mark had his GO box set up and a roll up ladder line J Pole and worked the 2M and 440 (70cm) FM portion of the event.

Glenn WB6RLC and Mark, KD6SEC at work. Image by Monty, KN6IGU

Glenn used an ICOM IC706 and operated 6M, 2M and 440 SSB using a variety of Yagi’s. In the middle was a Alinco 220 FM rig to cover that portion using a home brew Moxon antenna. (Teaser. Watch for more on this 220 Moxon antenna in an up coming issue of QST this winter).

The weather was perfect at about 75 degrees and we could see Saddleback Peak in Orange County from our vantage point. We operated over 6 hours of the event and between the 2 of us made about 100 contacts. Among them was Gorden West (Gordo) and several RATS members that live in the general OC area. Contacts were made into north of LA, OC and down to San Marcos to hit the PAPA repeater down there on 440. That point did not count, but it was fun to hit a 440 repeater from over 100 miles away.

Glenn WB6RLC Working the pileup

There was a regular flow of visitors as well. A family from San Diego was there for a while and the father came over to chat radios. He repairs radios for the airlines. A local ham stopped by. He heard us working the pile up and guessed our location and came on by. Later he gave us a point on 6M SSB.

So, all in all, a great day out and about. You don’t have to “STAY HOME”, you can be safe and get outdoors and have a good time. Take a drive. Find a pull out and give a shout out. Try to hit a repeater 100 miles away. From our lookout we could hit the repeater on Catalina Island. Try working simplex on 146.520. Have a good time and be safe. 73, Glenn WB6RLC

