Winter Field Day 2021

Winter Field Day 2021
January 13, 2021 Gavin Schutz

Winter Field Day is Almost Here!

Mark, KD6SEC



The Desert RATS are again planning on participating in the Winter Field Day Contest organized by the Winter Field Day Association.  Winter Field Day Association (WFDA) is a dedicated group of Amateur Radio Operators who believe that emergency communications in a winter environment is just as important as the preparations and practice that is done each summer but with some additional unique operational concerns.

The 2021 contest will run from 11AM Saturday January 30th until 11AM Sunday January 31st.

Pending issues brought on by Covid-19 we plan to operate like last year at Lake Cahuilla Veterans Regional Park.  Operating strictly outdoors gives us point advantages in the contest as well as helps in social distancing.  We hope to invite all RATS members to stop by and participate however with the everchanging Covid restrictions we will have to wait until closer to the date to make our final announcements.  Please continue checking on the club website and the Monday Night Nets for updated information.
